Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Start Busines Growth With Viral Article Marketing

By Edward Longfell

Article marketing is an explosive way to start your busines. Articles can go viral fast and therefore have your information all over the Internet.

Web Masters are always looking for quality content and the search engines love the information they receive through articles.

When you start your busines and decide to utilize article marketing, there are only a few things you need. Content is the obvious ingredient, but you also need a way to generate traffic so that your content can be accessed, you need a way to build your client list, and you need a way to turn your visitors into money.

Take good advice and make sure that you start your busines using article marketing and you too will build a rock solid foundation that will do nothing but continue to grow.

Article marketing is a quick marketing method that can be very explosive and one that you can easily start your busines with. It doesn't take rocket science to write an article. If you are not comfortable with it, all you have to do is go to Go Articles and type in the keyword phrase that you want to write an article about and take notes. Then you simply rewrite the article so that it is now an original article. Never use someone else's article exactly as you see it, that is plagiarism and you can get in trouble for doing that.

Due to the fact that nearly everyone online always needs fresh content, article marketing is a great way to solve two problems. One problem is solving the needs of others, and the other problem is marketing yourself and your website.

As long as you create one article per day you will start busines growth that will be undeniable.

Search engines will love you if when you create content daily. With proper research, your articles will rank high on the search engines.

When you create content daily the search engines will favor you. As long as you perform proper keyword research, you will get great rankings on the search engines. Your keyword or keyword phrase is the most important aspect of article marketing. Your keyword should not be spammed all over your article. Keyword density is what they call the number of times your keyword or phrase appears in your article. The density should not be more than 1.5% of your total word count. In this article my keyword phrase is start busines and yes busines is spelled incorrectly on purpose. You can rank your article for misspelled keywords as well as normal keywords. Just be sure that you use the Google Traffic Estimator to make sure there is enough traffic to make it worth your time.

The 3 main article directories are Ezine Articles, Go Articles, and Article Dashboard. The best strategy is to go to an Article Submission Company that submits articles to multiple article directory sites that have high page ranks. One of the best companies out there is Isnare.

If you too want to create lifelong income then article marketing is just the beginning. To be in a financial position to do whatever you wish whenever you wish to do it simply

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