Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Atmosphere Of Your Restaurant For Different Meals

By Patricia Farnham

Many restaurants that offer both lunch and dinner want to create a nicer atmosphere for the dinner crowd. It is common to offer a wider menu selection as well as to charge more for meals in the evening time. You want your guests to feel that coming in for dinner is worth it. That means you need to make some changes that are effective yet affordable. You also want them to be something that can be done quickly.

Think about the table settings you use for lunch. Most are happy with paper place mats or nothing but the silverware on the table. Why not kick it up a notch with some colorful table cloths and napkins? Your guests will love the classy feel of it and look forward to coming in for their favorite foods.

While you want to give your customers as much room at their table as possible, it is common to have some type of decoration on it. You can easily switch from something basic to something better when you go from serving lunch to dinner. Candles work well as do vases with nicer flowers.

The lighting in the restaurant is something to consider as well. You may find it really adds to the look if you are able to dim the lights for the evening meal. This is great for those looking for a comfortable and even romantic atmosphere to eat in. You will also find this method saves you some money on your electric bill. You should be able to have a dinner switch installed by a professional electrician for an affordable price.

Don't forget how a change in lighting can affect the atmosphere as well. You will want softer lighting for dinner than for lunch. This may require a small investment but most electricians can give you a good price. Keep in mind you will save money each month on your electric bill too. Put some effort into offering different music to enjoy at night as well.

Casual seating is common for the lunch crowd but you want it to be more guided for dinner. A hostess should seat the guests based on their preference of seating in the evening. If you expect the place to be quite busy you may allow people to call ahead to place a reservation as well.

The ability to charge the look of your restaurant from lunch to dinner is something you can easily do. It can mean a substantial increase in business for you with the evening crowd as well. Your customers will certainly appreciate the additional touches you offer. At the same time they will love being able to stop in for a casual lunch when they have time.

It doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming to accomplish this. Make sure your staff understands the transition and can effectively set it up. There is no reason why you can't offer a dramatic change between your lunch time and dinner time atmosphere. It all depends on how much effort you are willing to put into it. Explore your options and be creative so you can offer something amazing.

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