Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Secret to Making Money Online - It's Not What You Think

By Mark Thompson

If you have been online for more than a few days I am sure you've been tempted by the adverts for those programs that guarantee you a millionaire lifestyle. You know the ones with the Villas, Yachts and Ferrari's. Tempting aren't they but I am sure you've thought that they are too good to be true, you are right. The only people getting rich is the creator and maybe a small percentage of his affiliates.

To make money online you need to start at the beginning and learn the basics first, there are no short cuts. The most honest person in the world may recommend a program to you after they have made several thousand dollars using it. This doesn't mean that you'll make a single cent from it. They have one thing that you probably don't have ...experience.

Can you remember what happened when you started to learn to ride a bike? Did your parents buy you a Lance Armstrong replica race bike or a small bike with training wheels? I am prepared to bet it was the latter! Why do you think that was? Obviously because they realized that you needed to learn how to ride a simple bike first before you moved on to better and faster bikes.

What would have happened if you had ridden that race bike first of all? You'd have probably fallen off 10 times in the first hour. If you'd survived that you'd probably have vowed never to ride a bike again. Internet marketing is exactly the same. Make too many mistakes early on and you'll soon feel like giving up.

Want to know the best place to begin your Internet Marketing career?

Firstly you need to master the basics. Find out what niches are and why you should target long-tail keywords. Once you know some of the basics set out a plan of what you are going to do. Try a little market research , what is making people money. Work out what type of sites will suit you. Initially you will feel like you'll never master it but stick with it within a short will you'll be seeing your bank balance increase.

I am sure you'll be tempted to buy lots of tools. Step back for a minute and think about one thing. The more money you spend the less your profit is going to be. Try to make use of the free tools available online there are lots of them available.

I am lucky enough to be able to make a full time income by working online. I am also a believer in sharing what I've learned. Therefore I have recently decided to give away many of the guide, e-books and videos I've created over the past few years. You'll find details of the site Profitable Website Guides below.

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