Thursday, May 8, 2008

Explode your Online Business with Article Marketing

By Mark Hall

New methods of getting traffic to your site are being devised constantly but article marketing is still the best way to drive visitors without having to pay anything out. Articles can be used for almost anything on the Internet from social networking sites to blogs and each one can contain a one or more links to your main website. The best place to submit articles is site where you know they have a great deal of traffic every day; an increase in visitors to your site should happen quite quickly. Top sites are also viewed by search engines as authority sites so it is to your benefit in many ways to have your content accepted; you will become a 'trusted' person which means a great deal in the virtual world.

Article marketing carried out this way (i.e. more than once) will get people to look upon you as an author whose work they will seek out because the content is good. Showing people you are knowledgeable on certain topics means they will trust whatever you write and bookmark your site. Although it can take a while, this traffic from people that trust you will help your own search engine ranking; you should find that in time that more visitors that have found you in the search engines improves. The benefit of all these sites linking to your site is a increase in your ranking; the greatest benefit of this is none of it is costing you a single dollar!

With article marketing, a number of links to other sites can be inserted into it and providing there aren't too many you will not be penalized. When your articles are good, they get spread around the internet and of course each version will have links back to your own so the more links you have, the more your ranking will grow. Sometimes, however, search engines can take some time before they actually list your site; Google can actually take months on occasion. Although you cannot rush the search engines directly, submitting more articles and using the authority sites will help enormously.

Article marketing helps to improving the ranking of a site but in addition to this it also helps increase the amount of content at the same time which again improves rank. Bear in mind that when people visit your site, they are unlikely to want your product without learning more about it. Visitors are searching for information so the more precise and truthful you can be about whatever it is you are promoting the better. Once you have them on your site you can show them the benefits of what you are promoting. This approach is often overlooked and as a consequence visitors do not always understand what is being done. It is this sort of method that stops people from cancelling their order a few days later.

If you want visitors to your websites then you must continue your article marketing this way; this does require you to understand that all of this cannot be achieved with just one article. Remember, if you have an interesting site you will also receive links from other website owners who may also use your article as well; your content or article will have information that other people are seeking. You cannot dismiss just how effective article marketing is at getting people to your site for free; provided you keep adding unique, but relevant, content to your site, visitors will return.

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