Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Three Keys To A Successful AdWords Campaign

By Brian Basch

All over the Internet, marketers are singing the praises of Adwords. They hold out assurances that they can help budding entrepreneurs to make 100's of dollars working only 3-4 hours a day. Truly the lazy man's way of making money! But hold on did we mention lazy? Perhaps there is some truth in this. The actual fact is that Adwords has great tutorials making it easy to use. If the real truth were known, all those "would be entrepreneurs" who paid their hard earned money to the "experts," could have got all this information for free from these tutorials on the site.

Here are 3 tactics to help you succeed with an Adwords campaign:

1. Keywords will be your first concern. In reality this will be critical to Adwords campaign success. In fact without good keywords your campaign cannot be productive. A fine mix of targeted keywords to bring in sales, and broad based ones to draw traffic is required.

You will be charged for clicks on your ad no matter how well it performs. This is why choice of keywords is so important. Frequently searched keywords will draw large amounts of traffic. However they will not necessarily produce sales. Marketers who just go into the search engine database and pick out the most frequently searched keywords often misunderstand this fact. They do not understand the fact that if these keywords are not targeted there will be no sales.

If you are experiencing some problems with keywords the Adwords site can help you. They have many tools and tutorials to help you . In fact you will have some of the best pay per click resources available when you visit

2. Your bid must get you a high position in the search engines. This is because the average searchers, like most of us are looking for instant gratification. Because of this they will only look at the first 5-10 pages of the search results and then try a new keyword.

This is the reason that it is critical for you to make sure your ad is shown in the first 5-10 pages. This is because search engines do not position ads according to "first come first serve." Instead the ad with the highest bid will get the highest position. You will need to carefully budget ads so that you never run out of money. It is pointless spending money on premier positions and not having enough money to sustain your ad position. Search engines protect their customers from incurring losses by allowing caps to be put on ads. Of course if you go beyond this cap your ad will be pulled.

3. It is very important to follow up with your campaign. There is risk involved with every ad and nobody knows its worth until it has been proven on the open market. It is imperative that advertisers pay attention to every detail of their campaign, so that they can make quick changes to avert disaster further down the road.

Now you know! Without having to pay $54.99 to the "experts" you have all the points you need for a successful AdWords campaign. Now the responsibility of using this knowledge is in your hands.

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