Sunday, May 18, 2008

Memories And Emotions Are Key To Your Online Traffic Formula

By Trisha Frauenhofer

Memories are a major factor in how we are impacted. Memories are saved as pictures which can be accessed much easier than words. They can capture both emotions and feelings in one picture image. Remember, "A Picture is worth a thousand words."

Do you recall all of the words that you read on the screen, or do you remember the pictures and how the ad made you feel? Visualizations are very important in capturing people's attention.

Emotions can play a major role in our day to day decision making. All marketers need to understand that aside from logic and reason, human behavior is mostly influenced by emotions. Your marketing must spur some emotion to get the best results.

I want you to think of a word such as anger. In what way does this look to you. Was there a picture or just some facts. You probably saw an image. According to scientists, decision making cannot happen without an emotional response. This response comes from the limbic system. Without the emotion, the conscious mind is unable to make a decision.

Consumers need to be able to access emotions to influence their behavior. Without the emotion, your traffic will fizzle. People want to be impacted. In marketing, you want to figure out how people relate to your product and certain experiences. These experiences trigger particular emotions which then drive their behavior.

The next time you watch a commercial with lots of emotion and lights, think about the fact that what they are trying to do is to tie their product in with your happy emotions by association. There are very few words in these commercials, but lots of emotions.

Unveiling common emotional responses will give you insight on what you must do and say to succeed with internet marketing. How your customers feel about your product is an important question. We want our customers to trust us. Understanding the mind will help you greatly with an online traffic formula.

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