Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords." Review

By Robert Gantt

Once I read Perry Marshall's outstanding book,"The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords." and started implementing many of his ad techniques for our adwords customers our business began to soar. Don't get me wrong. We were doing good search engine business before I read his Google Adwords techniques. But the difference in repeat business blossomed as a result of several tweaks we put in place following reading "The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords."

Perry Marshall's e-book,"The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords" is full of eye popping information. We started using many of his adwords tactics on campaigns for customers we managed and business just took off. Even though our search engine business was good before reading this incredible online marketing tool. Our repeat business grew substantially. There is no doubt our customer retention improved as a result of the increased click-thru rates we experienced after implementing the strategies found in, "The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords."

Over the years I've purchased many online marketing e-books. The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords is absolutely one of the best I've seen. Our click thru rates have gone through the roof. Our customers are beeming. They are ecstatic about the results they're getting. Thanks, Perry, for Google Adwords concepts that really work.

The best part is you'll find yourself using it on a daily basis. It's filled with proven examples and screen shots that are very clear and easy to understand and implement. You'll be amazed how much more fun you can have marketing online.

When I first received it I was a little intimidated because it was so large but the style is fast paced, very easy to read and definitely very potent. We'd been buying Google Adwords advertising for years. It's amazing how much we didn't know. It's even more amazing how much money we'd been leaving on the table. Not anymore, we're squeezing every dime we can from all the search engines now for our clients.

If you're finding Internet advertising to be as exciting and challenging as I do then you'll find Perry Marshall's book,"The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords." to be worth it's weight in Gold. Check it out for yourself.

My name is Robert Gantt. I hope this review helps you decide to purchase The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords.

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