Friday, June 6, 2008

Peel Ads No Match for Brand-New Peel Away Video

By Matthew J. Loop

Peel Away Video offers you an innovative and attract way to embed educational videos or video advertising on your web pages. You have probably heard about this nifty interface which has created quite a buzz among savvy internet marketers whose goal is to make a truckloads of money. In marketing lingo, peel away ads are also known as the dog-ear ad, the corner ad or the peel ad.

Peel Away Video is the technological successor to the original peel page which allowed a visitor to simply point and click on an icon in the corner of your site. Once they did this the page they were surfing simply seemed to peel away like a sticker to reveal a static ad beneath.

Peel Away Video ads are based on the same concept except the reveal is now a video that immediately starts playing. The visual impact is startling and impressive and immediately captures your surfer's attention! Most people will then watch your video. This is in direct contrast to having pop ups and banners on your site which are perceived as irritants in the surfing experience of most people In fact people will pay a lot of money nowadays for programs to make your pop ups and page back type ads go away.

There are many sound business reasons why you should use Peel Away Video advertisements. People like to be entertained and they will be definitely impressed by the feature film-like execution of this feature. Many will be so impacted that they will simply send others to your website to experience how it works. In this way, peel pages work are like a natural viral marketing tool.

Studies have shown that half the battle when it comes to selling to people is having a technologically impressive website. This is because a web site that operates seamlessly and in sync with your customer builds trust. Peel away advertisements look like you spent a lot more money on them then you actually did.

Thirdly, the peel video program is simple to use. In can be installed on your computer in minutes. Before you know it you will have added your video to as many domains as you want. You can even rotate different video peel away ads if you are selling advertising space and want to run more than one.

Peel away pages have the added benefit of serving your customers the information you need to known in an expedient and fun manner. Many people are much more at ease with watching a simple product about your products or serves rather than wading through pages and pages of copy to find out what you are all about.

The peel away script is sold for a one time fee that you will never be asked to renew. If for any reason, whether it be technical or strategically, that you find the Peel Away Video software does not serve you then is your money will be refunded to you in full. The only caveat is that you must ask for the refund within eight weeks of purchasing the Peel Away Video advertising tool.

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