Monday, November 10, 2008

Article Marketing and PLR

By Gary Smith Jr

Content articles are an unbeatable way to generate links, boost your search engine rankings , find new prospects and open up a flood of targeted traffic direct to your web site. Content articles are an essential part of search engine marketing and when done properly they can have a tremendously positive and long term effect to your web site business! Content rewriting is all about generating "unique" (or at least "semi-unique") content. You do this by replacing words, phrases, and paragraphs with alternate versions that have the same meaning. Content is king and high-quality content is the key to driving quality traffic to your website. A good resource box always contains vital information about the website.

Choose your topics wisely. You can easily attract those people who are most likely to buy from you if you write about topics that they will find interesting. Choosing the appropriate keyword may require a great deal of thought. Choose your topics wisely. It is very important to understand that not all types of topics will help you attract your potential clients.

You must also choose where you buy your private label articles carefully. Tweak something about the articles to make them your own. Choose a topic you will write about. Create a paragraph or two for your introduction to the topic, and then begin writing about whatever is popping into your head about the subject. Choose topics that are related to your products. This is not only to properly build up your products but also to effectively attract quality traffic to your website.

Google looks for the original content first and sees how many times the same content has been published on other sites or bookmarked. This does increase the popularity of the article but the search engine only gives prominence to the first place where it originally indexed the article. Google loves fresh, quality content, and if you can give that to it, then it will reward you by ranking higher. It's all about giving Google what it wants.

Google pioneered this criteria for assigning website ranking, and virtually all search engines on the Internet now use it. There are legitimate ways to go about increasing your link popularity, but at the same time, you must be scrupulously careful about which sites you choose to link to. Google wants to see INBOUND links to your site from other sites with similar content. So the links these article directories can give you are crucial to the weight of your website in the long run.

Article marketing is great, because once you write them, they are on the internet forever. Article marketing is not a new practice. It has been used by professionals for nearly as long as mass print has been available. Article marketing is tremendously effective because your articles in our article directory get a link back to your web site from Article Cache and from every web site, newsletter or ezine that publishes your content online. Over time, publishing articles will help boost your web site traffic and increase your web site link popularity.

You must realize that article marketing is not a way of making money online. It is a way of promoting yourself and can be used to help you make money no matter what kind of money-making method you are using. Article marketing is a long-term strategy based on providing truly useful information to your readership. Unless you happen to write a one-hit wonder article that gets picked up by a national trade publication (unlikely) or makes the home page of Digg, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Article Marketing is a tool that you can use in the Internet for advertising purposes. You can use it to promote whatever your Web site is promoting, whether it be a good or a service that you provide through your site.

Article marketing is also a great way to promote your affiliate product or affiliate program. By writing an article that delivers value and offers a subtle mention of your affiliate product, you're well on your way to getting the proper exposure for your promotion. Article marketing is most probably the most effective link building strategy in existence. Article directories allow you to include a resource box for every article you submit. Article marketing is the act of writing short articles, generally 1,000 words or less, and getting them published on the Web or in ezines. Generally you don't get paid for these articles, but the ROI is that you get links from the article to your Web site. I hope this information helps you with your internet marketing stratigies.

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