Sunday, November 9, 2008

Calling prospects was not my strong point, but not anymore

By John Wallen

Let me ask you a question, That?s if your in a home business that offers a business opportunity. Do you find it hard to talk to prospects on the phone or even handling their objections?

That was me not so very long ago. I am pretty good at generating prospect leads, but then I would call and like an endless train, talk about my opportunity time after time, then get hung up on.

For the life of me I couldn't figure out what I needed to do. I eventually just quit doing what my sponsor was recommending, cause it surely wasn't working. The insanity has to stop some where, this was getting old!

Eventually, I found out it wasn't working for them either. But there are so many people out there that are getting it done. Effortlessly sponsoring people on the phone, and not just one or two every so often.

I had to find the one who would show me how to change my approach when having a conversation with a prospect. I needed to have control of the situation, really be able to manage the interview.

Synchronicity must have been in store for me, because I came across this incredible 1 hour video interview that changed my perspective on calling my new prospects. I couldn't believe how quickly I was now sponsoring the right people into my business with ease. I recommend this to those who want to master their phone conversions.

About the Author:

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