Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cash Gift: give them the way not just the means!

By Willem Dykstra

When helping someone with cash gifting, getting a hand out and a hand up is going to be the only real way they will be able to succeed themselves. Instead of just handing people in a desert a glass of water, you help to build them a well so that they can get all the water they need. Unfortunately in the current economy, there are a lot of thirsty people.

The government thinks that it helps people by cash gifting or welfare. However, it just provides enough for mere survival. If the government could help them to make a living rather than just providing them cash to live, these people will have a great opportunity to better their chances at a good life. In fact this will not just help the people but the government as well since there will be lesser people who will need welfare hence less financial burden on the economy.

Cash gifting not only just helps the receiver but also the giver in many direct and indirect ways. Since it is a form of philanthropy, the givers will be able to do more positive work which will lead to more positivity and good vibes in the atmosphere.

Some private individuals having sufficient funds are open to the idea of extending the hand out and hand up programs to needy people. The program comprises of outlines, guidelines, and agendas that would instruct them how to become productive. As soon as the people generated success through the program, they will be required to support the program.

By using the Internet for marketing, the mentors in the cash gifting program are able to teach others how to continue to grow their business. Since the real product is information, the bulk of the teaching deals with how to market yourself. These methods of marketing can apply to people whether they have a separate Internet business, or even a local corner store to promote.

Through the learned network marketing techniques, they are able to build a lifestyle that will not only get them ahead in life, but be able to help others as well. It is a one of a kind feeling to be able to really help someone. This is what makes the cash gifting approach so great.

Though you are helping someone without any expected return, the basic result is that everyone who is touched through the cash gift program with a hand up and a hand out is able to help everyone else through their own success. This truly is the reason for a hand up with a hand out, in order to help others become self sufficient.

Internet marketing is taking on so many different forms right now that it is good to get into cash gifting before that particular niche is overblown with companies that may mislead people. Finding the right start up program that will really be able to help people can make the whole difference for the cash gifting experience.

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