Sunday, November 16, 2008

Discover The Do's And Don'ts Of Making Money On MySpace

By Kylon Trower

So you want to get involved in the social networking scene or maybe you already are and it's time to cash in on the Web 2.0 party.Before you cash in you need to make sure you have a few little tips and strategies that will make sure you don't crash the party, if you know what I mean.

I'm going to lay a basic foundation for you to follow which should really get you off to a fast and profitable start. So here goes:

The need to use software or friend management tool is absolutely essential in my opinion. Often you will lose track of time by doing everything manually which will result in frustration and eventually you will quit. By using a friend adder software you will be much more productive and you can do in one hour what it may normally take several hours to do.

In business, focus is everything! Find out who your target market is and add them as friends. These will be the people most likely to purchase your product. This is called working closest to the dollar. Making friends with people for the sake of friendship should be done another time, which leads me to my next point.

Don't try to be a jack of all trades. If you have more than one product to sell that are in completely different niches I suggest opening another MySpace account to promote that product. This way you stay on message and avoid mixed messages in your marketing efforts.

Take the time to choose eight to ten people that you are going to focus on building deeper relationships with each month. This will allow them an opportunity to get to know, like and trust you before you start to talk about your product or service.

Get personal and build relationships. People first want to do business with a real person and not just a company or product. Make sure to be personable and share from your life and experiences. Make sure your profile doesn't look like a billboard or commercial. I've visited profiles in that past and couldn't even find the persons name on the page. I couldn't even send them a personal message by name if I wanted to.

Once you start using the different tools available on MySpace you can limit your time to under an hour a day and get incredible results in sales and profitable business relationships.

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