Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Free Web Hosting and Other Stupidities

By Ricardo d Argence

It seems that nowadays everybody and their grandma sells Web hosting services. Don't get me wrong, I'm the first one to believe in good competition and I defend this principle firmly. Nevertheless, there are people who think that they can start a web hosting business without knowing the first thing about developing and maintaining a business.

I am always shocked at hosting services that offer extremely cheap prices. You can find many offers from individuals that provide web hosting at the low cost of just $1 a year. Yes, you read right, one dollar for an entire year of service. When you stop to think that the cost of established services ranges from $60 to $100 annually just for basic service, this appears like a good deal, yet is it truly?

Let's do some simple math. Hypothetically speaking a reasonable amount of clients a provider should get while having a small web hosting business is 1,000. If the owner sells his services at a buck each, he will bring in a outstanding $1,000 in just one year. Do you believe he can offer quality service, support and upgrades for this price? I am hard pressed to think he will have enough for food alone!

Some say a good business begins with a great amount of clients. Only because I'm feeling good about my life today will we continue using this example. Just think about a provider getting up to or over 10,000 customers - an extremely motivated goal! You receive $10,000 dollars in income! With this type of income do you think a business will last a year? Imagine how much this would cost if there waas 10,000 clients. The cost of things such as rent and power could eliminate your meager income.

It is amazing, of course, how the mind searches for and creates solutions. Customers who purchase these services compromise that they get the deal of the year, not making a difference if the company goes out of business the following year, which is very likely. They already acquired the service pratically for free. And I ask to you again, is this true?

All access to your email addresses, website material, etc. will be lost if your provider goes bankrupt. It doesn't matter if you've already registered your domain through another provider because even in the best case it will take a at the very least a couple of days for new service to begin. That is, if you didn't commit the error of obtaining your domain title from the identical provider.

In this instance, you could possibly lose your domain title, requiring you to obtain another. Consider how much time is utterly wasted just notifying your clients about an email address update. What if you lost important emails and documents too? Do you think this is worth the risk?

When you buy your next web hosting service, consider the support services, the promptness in answering your emails and phone calls and the time the provider has been in the market. Yes, do check the price too, but if it sounds too good to be true, it may be a good idea to look somewhere else.

But if you insist on getting one of these services for a dollar, we will be happy to help you when your provider disappears, just let's hope the damage isn't too bad.

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