Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Tips on How to Improve the Persuasive Power of Your Website

By David B. Ascot

Strategy: Photos, Audio and Video

Good sales copy is one of the most powerful persuasive elements on any sales page, and there are a few high-converting sites ( comes to mind) that rely almost exclusively on text content to convert visitors, rather than text or fancy multimedia effects.

However, usually you'll find that video, audio, and photos can really add to your credibility. Since more and more people have faster internet connections today, you'll find that there is no reason not to use this type of media.

Of course it is important that you remember that only good content that actually reinforces and enhances your message should be used.

There are many great pictures that are great options for your website. You may want to have photos of the premises, some graphs, images of the author, pictures that show off products, and more. You should be sure to come up with good captions too, since they draw the eye and can help to increase conversions as well.

You can use both video and audio content too and it can help provide even more conversions. For testimonials on your site, doing them in audio is an excellent option and there are several great open source recorders that can help you to do this.

Video can be added to enhance your site and improve conversion numbers as well. However, you should do some testing and one of the best software options to use is Camtasia.

Strategy: Media Comments, PR, Articles, and Reprints

If you are looking for spikes in your web traffic, both media comments and press releases can really make a difference. In fact, in one case, a site got more than 1000 opt ins in just a couple days when they did this, but the buzz does die down quickly.

You can make it last longer by "reprinting" articles as images or PDF documents, and either placing them on your website in an "As Seen On TV" kinda way, or sending key articles to clients in the form of an email autoresponer message. "Official" information coming from 3rd party sources persuades better than anything coming from yourself.

Strategy: Avoid Exaggeration and Hype

Too many people decide to use hype or exaggeration with disastrous results. People really want to find some authenticity when they are looking for a great company. Take a look at your copy to make sure that you don't have claims that are hyped up of exaggerated. Sometimes it's important to tone down the writing, since you need to remember that a claim that is too exaggerated may make your readers have second thoughts, even you happen to have great products to offer your customers.

Strategy: Speak the same language as your prospects

When you're speaking to a target audience, you need to speak like they do. Use the same type of words and even phrases that they would use. You can find out how to speak by spending time with the customers that you want to reach. Great copywriters talk on the level of customers that they are trying to reach, and you can do this too if you take the time to do some research.

Strategy: Show that Your Business is a "REAL" Business

Your website should always include contact details and a phone number that works. Photos of your premises or operations can also help. In some industries this is more important than others and if you're selling something more "intangible" such as information, the need to appear "real" to prospects is even greater.

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