Friday, November 21, 2008

Online Money Making Opportunities for Teens

By Yuki Shoji

Teenagers these days spend a good 80% of their waking hours on the internet. They chat with friends, play games but they very rarely do anything useful. If you want to help your teen learn how to succeed in life help him turn his time on the internet into a money making opportunity.

You have probably warned your teen against internet money making schemes to protect him from the many scams that are out there. There are, however, some very legitimate ways to make money online. Building an affiliate site is one of the safest.

The first thing your teen must do if he wants to start an affiliate site is to choose a niche market. The more specific the market, the better. It is also best for him to choose something he is interested in and something he knows a lot about.

Next you must learn how to build your site. There are quite a few different programs available that make building a website easy and fun. You definitely do not need to know html to make a really great website. Choose the program that seems the easiest to use to get started.

The most difficult part of building an affiliate site for most teen is filling it with interesting informative content. You may be tempted to help him out by writing some of the content for him. It is really good practice for your teen to write his own web content. It will force him to do research and craft a well worded article which are good skills that he will use the rest of his life.

Now that you have a site ready to go, you can apply for an affiliate program. The reason you must build the site first is that many programs require that the website is active and relevant before they will approve you as an affiliate.

Once the website is built your teen can get started on marketing. He is likely already a member or a large web based network through his MySpace and facebook pages. That is a great place to start marketing. You can then move on to email ad campaigns and paid advertisements.

Teenagers spend so much time in front of their computers they really do need to use that time to learn something useful. The computer is a tool that can help them achieve financial freedom throughout their entire life. The earlier they learn to use it the better.

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