Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stop Smoking Now! Kick The Smoking Habit Now! Live Smoke Free

By Todd Schuyler

It is said that we are all creatures of habit. Even if we know that a certain habit is unhealthly for us, we continue doing it anyway. The fact that you have ended up at this websites probably means that you have considered to quit smoking. Am I right or wrong? If you want a great stop smoking program click here to visit the official kick the habit stop smoking site.

To give up smoking is not easy. Smoking becomes a psychological, emotional and a physical addiction and your behavior has been conditioned to follow a routine that is reinforced into a habit. You know that smoking is bad for you, even potentially lethal to your health, but you continue to smoke.

Smoking Kills! Now for the hard facts. Each year over 400,000 Americans alone die from cigarette smoking alone. That includes lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory diseases and second hand smoke. Second hand smoke causes about 3,000 deaths from lung cancer each year. So, not only are you killing yourself, your slowly killing others around you!

Smoking also kills your wallet.Think about this. If you smoke a $8.00 pack of cigarettes every week for one whole year, that will calculate up to $416.00 cash spent on smoking. In a year of smoking a pack every week you could have bought all kinds of great things..

A fancy designer suit. A brand new iPod. At least 15 hair cuts with a top stylist. A Round-Trip to just about anywhere in the U.S.

After months of research and undergoing my own quit smoking experience, I've learned the following. Quitting smoking cigarettes doesn't happen quickly or overnight. Going "cold-turkey" will actually lesson your motives to quit.You need a different method, a step-by-step approach to kicking that habit that works!

I promise, you have the ability to quit and stop smoking forever! And more importantly, your situation is not hopeless. "I'll Breakdown The Reason's Why You Started Smoking in the First Place. And Discourage Your Cravings to Smoke, Ever Again!"

Let's face the facts, not only does smoking kill you, but it also the people around you and the money in your wallet. click here to get a great stop smoking program. Break the Smoking Habit.

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