Thursday, November 20, 2008

Take A Sip Of The Tropics

By TomO\'Riordan

Itas pretty obvious that thereas a nationwide health craze going on. Whether itas loading up on vitamins or drinking wheat germ shakes, everyone is trying to get healthier. That makes it easy to get caught up in the latest fad.

Among all the recent trends and fads, weave actually found a product that really does what it says, if you can believe that. Made from the morinda citrifolia fruit, Tahitian Noni juice is a healthy drink full of numerous kinds of nutrients that are beneficial to your cellular well-being. Due to its nutritional benefits, it has become a staple in many parts of the Pacific.

Due to the power of globalization, the noni fruit has now been packaged and is available for anyone who wants to enjoy healthier looking skin and hair. It is also effective for boosting your immune system due to its high levels of vitamin C. The potassium present helps strengthen bones and flush out toxins. Elevated levels of vitamin A are also present, which helps your body fight off viruses.

Noni juice is also a great source of phytochemicals, which are extremely helpful although many people donat know about their benefits. The oligosaccharides found in Noni juice, combined with the live cultures in yogurt, do a superb job in helping to cleanse your intestines, especially when consumed on a daily basis. Together, they help keep your system clean and regular.

Noni juice also has fatty acids, which have been shown to improve cognition and brain function, as well as lowering the risks of certain heart diseases and cancers, plus there's no fishy aftertaste like with cod liver oil supplements. There's some evidence that Noni juice can even help lower cholesterol, when combined with a proper diet and exercise regimen.

Great tasting shakes and smoothies are one way that you can enjoy Tahitian Noni juice, which allow you to reap the full benefits by consuming it in its raw state. However, you can also use it as a meat marinade or as a flavorful ingredient in your favorite salad dressing, giving your meals an exotic tropical twist.

Noni juice is good for kids, too. In some Pacific cultures, a bit of Noni pulp is given to colicky babies, and children who are suffering from constipation or diarrhea. The fruit can be pounded into a poultice and applied externally over broken bones, to help speed the knitting process. Those sorts of benefits have been limited to those who had access to the fresh fruits, but thanks to Noni juice, you can take advantage of all that the Noni fruit has to offer.

If you have decided to start living a healthier life and youare looking for good tasting ways to do that, why donat you try a nice tall glass of Tahitian Noni juice today? Youall love the taste, and youall be glad to know that youare well on your way to increased health and happiness.

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