Monday, November 10, 2008

Two very nice keywords to exploit

By Zigfred Diaz

Through another blogger, I discovered two interesting keywords.These keywords are "derivatives" of the word "Google" itself or where the word "Google" was taken from. The key words are "Googel" and "Googol."

Bloggers and webmaster often tell us of the value of keywords. The reason for such is because it will bring them more traffic. More traffic means more more chances of people clicking your ads or buying your products. The kind of commercial activities that a blogger or webmaster is involved in does not matter. Whether it is pay per click, pay per impression pay per visit, pay per whatsoever or selling affiliate products, what is most important thing is the traffic. The equation for online business is very simple. More traffic means more money.

Traffic from three of the world's biggest search engines, Google, Yahoo and MSN is the most important thing that a blogger or webmaster should consider. This further ensures that they are making money online.

When a computer user goes to google and types a word, you have to ensure that you are in the first 3 pages or if possible in the first top 10 in the search engine's first page. If you are in the 100th page, then most likely people from the search engine will not visit your site.

It is therfore reasonable to conclude that you must ensure that your blog or website gets a high volume of traffic. To ensure thisyou must compete for the proper keywords.

Selecting the proper keyword is not easy as it may sound. There are good keywords but unfortunately they have a lot of competition. To know this just type a keyword in google and look at the upper right hand portion of of the page. For example the keywords "making money online" produces more than 18 million results. Competing for this keyword is really a tough one.

Not only should you ensure that the keywords you choose does not have a lot of competition, you should also ensure that they have a high search volume. Meaning they are being searched by a considerable number of people. This will ensure that all your hard work for optimizing the keyword will not be for nothing. You can know this by going to google trends and typing the keyword. If Google trends display a graph, then the keyword is most likely a high volume keyword.

To sum it up you must opt for what bloggers call as "high-trend but low-dense keyword."

Now we go to the main topic. One high-trend but low-dense keyword that bloggers must take advantage of is the word "Googel." Since 2004 this keyword has been searched for a lot. The graph in google trends is telling us that this is a high-trend keyword. Not only is it high trend it is also a low dense key word since as of the time of this writing only 860,000 blogs or websites has mentioned it. This means that to compete for this keyword would not be so difficult.

On the other hand, Googel's twin, "Googol" may not have a very impressive graph in google trend. But the the fact that it made it in google trends shows that it is a high-trend keyword. What's good about it though is that it's density is lower by half than that of Googel. As of the time of this writing only 468,000 blogs and websites has been mentioning it.

So what are you waiting for ? Optimize the keywords Googel and Googol in your blog or website for this keyword right now !

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