Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ty Coughlin Scam?

By Eliza Mc Namara

Do you think that Ty Coughlin is a scam artist that is out to get everyones money?

Do you think that success is something that only lucky people have?

I can't stand that mindset, if you can please stop reading this immediately.

My name is Eliza Mc Namara I'm a full time internet marketer and in three months I've managed to go full time online.

Do you want to know how? I applied myself, I focused, I worked HARD and success came:-)

That is how you become successful, by working hard consistently, people don't realize this, and then they have the nerve to criticize people like Ty Coughlin who dare to get compensated for all of their efforts, you see money is energy and most people in this world save their energy for a rainy day, they do as little as possible and expect to get rewarded instantly for any effort that they put forth and when that doesn't happen they quit.

Any sign of a challenge and they walk away with their tale between their legs saying, he or she is a scam artist and is just out to get my money! Yeah Right!

That mentality, that lottery ticket mentality drives me insane! People like Ty Coughlin and Tracy Keller slog their guts out for years and then after all of the blood sweat and tears have dried up they succeed and hit gold, AFTER years of effort and apparent failure, years of finding out who your true friends are on your way to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Show me one successful entrepreneur that has never had to work hard, that has never experienced adversity in any of its forms and I'll show you 10 green pigs that fly!

It makes me so angry when people who have never owned a business before, who don't have one entrepreneurial bone in their body because they're so caught up in their own dramas and poor poor me stories, criticize those that have been there and done that and deserve to be paid every dime that they're worth.

No statue has ever been erected to a critic! Ever!

The truth is our natural state is one of abundance and joy but we annihilate and block it by holding on to all of these limiting beliefs and transferring our negative skeptical belief systems to others.

If you really want to change the world then you have to remember that you're worth all the money in the world and you can have all the money in the world that you could possibly want if you'll only work hard and SMART enough for it. When you achieve your dreams the moaners and whiners who wouldn't walk to the water let alone drink it are forced to notice that another doer who is out there doing it has done it, then that inspires them to start trying too.... sooner or later!

The quickest way to get rich is to follow someone else who has already done it, because they will be able to show you what to do and what not to do so you can cut out the costly learning curve. And believe me you'll be glad you did!

So next time you see someone saying something horrible about someone who has achieved something that they obviously wish they achieved, walk away, don't spread the poverty disease, you don't know what those successful people went through to get to where they are today.

Every overnight success story is concealing the real truth which is that there are no overnight success stories... ever, period! They don't exist!

And always remember success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal:-) That is the truth!

The end result is not the reward, who you become, that is the reward:-)

Because when you have the money, everything else comes naturally and that inner turbulence naturally disappears! It's like magic!

Not completely but practically;-)

If you would like to get a free copy of the seven secrets check out my link below, or find out how I can help you to get started making money with this wonderful computer that is sitting in front of you right now call me on 831 706 4354

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