Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Is Blogging? - Apart From Exciting

By Gary Harvey

Today the Internet plays a major role in our lives. It is not only the world's biggest library and the best source of current information on almost everything. It is also the fastest way to communicate with friends wherever they live on earth.

The most successful way of expressing yourself time and time again to a growing Internet audience is almost certainly the blog.

So what does blogging mean? Answer: Different things to different people - so let's explore that some more...

The whole concept revolves around the personal need to express feelings or thoughts, share opinions, spread news or simply have fun. A blog is actually a small individual web page more like a diary that you keep online. It receives regular updates and allows the use of links, photos, videos and extended documents.

What attracts many people to the blogging phenomenon is the great opportunity of making themselves heard. If you want to reach a particular audience, odds are that you can do it via a blog. No wonder they're popular.

The goal and scope of your blog entirely depends on what you the blogger want to achieve. When you've got great pieces of news, funny links or a hobby to talk about, a blog may be just the right way to open up to an international community.

Very often (and this is especially true of the leading blogs written by competent even professional bloggers), blogs attract more attention than traditional websites. Why? How do they do it?

First of all, blogs generally tackle one issue of interest for the user. There is fresh and rich informational content, and extended friendly links to other sites or blogs in the domain.

Blogs often receive more traffic than other web pages. Why? The answer lies in how the search engines work. What a search engine likes most is fresh and high quality content. Blogs tend to provide this and that explains the high profile that blogs and the blogging phenomenon have managed to achieve ahead of normal web pages. That's why blog traffic numbers can be high.

If blogging started as the perfect diary online, it has now come to acquire different dimensions, of which the commercial one is the most well-developed. I'll give you an example.

Let's say you like gardening, and you've also started your own home business of growing plants. A blog on flowers, plants and their peculiarities would keep the interest of fellow gardeners and it would also function as a great promotion tool for the development of your business. If you were selling other people's gardening tools, supplies or ebooks and earning a commission on every sale, that is called affiliate marketing. And blogs are perfect vehicles for affiliate marketers to use. That is called affiliate blogging. Find a high profit topic to blog about and you can earn a lot of money - like the young chap who bought a house recently with his blogging income.

So blogging is not only a neat and easy way to share your ideas with the world, it is also a powerful method for online marketing. Because of how easy blogs are to run, Internet profits are now open to people all over the world.

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