Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why You Are A Star

By Eliza Mc Namara

There is a secret to succeeding in the world that not very many people are aware of...

Most people will tell you that you should do the opposite of what I'm about to tell you to do...

You see the thing is that success for starters is not what most people think it is, the majority of people think that success is all about how much money you have in the bank or what car you drive. That's what most people will obsess about and spend their entire life believing.

The funny thing is that all self made millionaires will tell you that success is not about any of those important things... those that have real success tend to have external and internal success. Because everything is a reflection of everything else. The rest of the population tend to fit into one of these two categories.

Type 1)Thinks that success is all about what car you drive and how much money you have in the bank-even if the car is on lease and the money is from a personal loan!

Type 2) Tries to convince themselves that they don't care about money or want to drive a nice car, or have nice holidays... They spend their entire life in survival mode being incredibly lazy and not bothering to further themselves and chase after their childhood dreams because they believe that that would be selfish or unrealistic, flying planes and electric light come to mind! Maybe they haven't heard of Thomas Edison?!

You must be the Type 1 Surely! I can almost hear you trying hard to convince yourself! Be completely honest with yourself here please! Are you a go getter who knows what they want and knows that they deserve it. Or are you someone who convinces themselves that money is about having material objects or that money isn't important to them?

Once you have become aware of which category you fall into you need to take steps to work out what got you thinking that way in the first place or give yourself a pat on the back if you're a go getter!

So anyway, I'll let you know what success really is so you don't go crazy with all this suspense! Success is all about YOU. Now you're probably even more confused! What I mean by that is success is something that happens to you when you build your value and find something that you're passionate about and market it in a effective way.

Still confused, lost?

A successful person is, technically speaking someone who is progressively realizing THEIR personal worthy ideal.

You have to do a lot of inner work before you locate YOUR worthy ideal, if you don't you could very easily as many people do end up chasing someone elses worthy ideal... and you definitely DON'T want that! Warning, many will tell you you do because they were too scared to go after their dreams themselves...

This is a brief breakdown of what a successful person has done to achieve all of their worthy ideals:

1) They get in touch with themselves through silence, meditation, painful life experiences, travelling or anything that helps you to clarify your focus in life and think deeply about what YOU WANT and WHY, and then the dream or the desire whatever you would like to call it comes to them-normally whilst they're awake!

Then one of these three things happen:

1)They ignore the dream and carry on in pathetic survival mode until they die wollop bang into the supermarket trolley an invisible miserable speck of dust that could have been a happy person wasted and gone.

2) They chase after the dream, and they are completely flexible in their dogged pursuit of the dream, and persevere until they get it, passionate enough to endure all the blood sweat and tears-hint this is what builds character... have you ever met someone that didn't have any.... scary!

3) This is the worst one of all, they try for a while and they wimp out & quit, often when their dream was just around the next corner...

The message here is crystal clear, if you have a dream any dream, and you want it to become reality and not just be a dream in your head, you have to COMMIT to achieving it, that means that you stop at NOTHING until you achieve your goal, and you have faith that you will achieve it, this means not analyzing exactly when and how it's going to come to fruition, just commiting to doing what it takes to get closer to it until you get it every single day:-)

Taking actions even if it has to be small ones each and every single day that get you closer to your dream is THE SECRET that everyone is looking for! They will be looking for a long long time!

If you believe in yourself, and you have friends, even if it's just one friend, that believes in you and your dream then you will achieve it, nothing has the power or the right to stop you except your beliefs and your perseverance. You create your reality when you have self belief, but few do.

Here is the complete web definition for perseverance:perseverance per-se-ver-ence (Noun) Persistence in some thing undertaken in spite of difficulty or obstacles. Perseverance is a highly valued quality among successful people. Teach your children perseverance; and they will never fail because every apparent failure yields learning that leads to success.

And Remember what Napoleon Hill has Said:




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