Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Is Pay Per Click Advertising in Google Dead ?

By Trevor Weir

Some pundits are saying that Google Pay Per Click advertising is dead. This is a strange claim when the latest Neilson online results show Google once more pummeling Yahoo, MSN, AOL and ASK. Could this be any further from the truth?

Well it could be a little further from the truth, ha ha, but not much. In reality, Google's stock isn't exactly roaring ( nobody's is at the moment ) but the latest online Neilson polls show Google with a commanding 61% of the market place and continuing its slow but relentless climb.

Would Google's popularity hurt the customers? No, its a win win for them with more advertisers, more choices and google pumping more resources into faster servers etc. How would this work at a car auction if the bidding area was suddenly flooded with triple the number of bidders - stopped off on their way to a casino ? Would the cars be cheaper or more expensive?

For those not familiar with how this works, imagine that you typically waste your Saturday afternoons at the local car auctions hoping to pick up a great car for cheap. You know that the fewer people bidding is the better your chance of snaking a prime 4 year old vehicle for a few thousand dollars. On the last bidding day of the season, 10 busloads of rich gamblers stop by to use the bathroom.

You better hope that they beeline for the bus afterwards, because if the wander over to join the auction, the prices of all vehicles will go up. And was this good for you or the Auctioneers? You already know the answer to that one.

So a couple hundred heavy pocketed corporate types on their way to the casino, who find themselves coming out of the bathroom and seeing good cars go cheaply might want to wallow in and join the bidding. Well, thats exactly what deep pocketed corporate has done.

If more than a few of those guys don't head right back for the bus, you and your bidding budders are going to have some cash rich competition who won't even listen and smell the exhaust or kick the tires a bit. They are simply going to stand there and bid. Does this sound a little like corporate in the adwords game?

Deep pocketed bidders without a sense of ROI can bid certain keywords to near unreasonable prices.

How about paying 10 dollars per click for the keyword marketing? A little too expensive right? ( and broad while you're at it, lol ) Just 101 clicks later and you have topped the magic thousand dollar mark. I hope you have a real expensive product to sell, ha ha.

Does that sound like fun?

You are not alone. A couple of guys just like you, started experimenting on a "fix" for this some months back. They went back to basics and ran over to the Yahoo network. They were having so much fun "fixing" that they forgot to stop and tell the rest of us - until they had amassed nearly half million in verifiable clickbank sales. Ok, I wont keep you in suspense, click on the Yahoo cash machine here. It's not quite what you may have been thinking, but watch the video.

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