Friday, December 19, 2008

Loral Langemeir !

By BossMan

I think it's time to take another look a Loral Langemeier, the founder and CEO of Live Out Loud.

Since the first review of Loral Langemeier I have recently found a couple of reviews from people who have had opportunity(?) to become involved with Loral Langemeier.

Bruce from New Bedford, Ma

I've read a couple of Loral's books and I concur that Loral comes up short on details. Just like a lot of other self-proclaimed guru's, Loral's writings are always pointing you to her staff which leads to more money in her pocket and less in yours. Cha ching for Loral.

Just because Loral is a woman in a male dominated business doesn't excuse what she is doing. Bruce

Jaye from CA

I got sucked in for over $400 on Loral's cd's and dvd's which were way overpriced and vague. It is just a way to get you to invest thousands ($9,000 to $17,000) on their "millionaire coaches". How is a company supposed to help you financially when they already have you $17,000 in the hole?

Mike from Colorado

I just got off the phone with one her millionaires and he went thru want they are looking for in a person to join their team and Loral's "Big Table". For those of you who do not know what the big table is, it is the elite or elites in Lorals eyes. The ones who have made it, multi-millionaire status. It seems to get to this point it usually takes 3-5 yr with $300k-$300K/passive income PLUS $2M in assets.

I have heard quite a few investment speakers and they all say the same thing and promise you the world.

So my advise is save your money and try to hang out with other people that have actually made it and not just over the phone.

The one thing and one of my final questions was well it all sounds good, but please provide me with references that have gone thru this program and have made it? The interviewer declines to give me any names. Now would you buy something like this if you really couldn't check it out. I mean you wouldn't hire a contractor for a house improvement without references would you.

Again, I believe one can attain this kind of status and financial freedom, but be careful on whom you trust.

Sure doesn't look to me like Loral Langemeier has done anything new and just keeps on doing the same old same old.

Loral Langemeier, the founder and CEO of Live Out Loud, has written "The Millionaire Maker" and "Guerilla Wealth" as well as creating many different educational programs. In addition to the various seminars and workshops, there are also free teleseminars available on Loral's website.

While Loral Langemeier seems to have a decent following and respect among her peers, some people are of the opinion that the information provided by Loral in her books is simplistic, contains too much jargon for different processes and the tips given are just not realistic and could even cause potential financial harm.

There are both positive and negative aspects to Loral Langemeier's products and seminars. For example she adamantly supports starting your own business, but the information on how to do so is absent in her books.

Some of Loral Langemeier's advice is oversimplified and at times misleading. She touts starting your own corporation as great way to take advantage of tax deductions. This will not work since these deductions must be verifiable business expenses.

Loral Langemeier's team building advice is also very unrealistic. She proposes that every one should have a support team of Lawyers, CPAs, Brokers, and Investors.

Unless you have a family full of professionals what she recommends is unrealistic. These people charge a lot of money for their services and the chances of them spending their time mentoring strangers is slim and none.

The redeemable qualities of Loral Langemeier's work can be found in its motivational capabilities. If her books or seminars can get you to actually pursue a business opportunity or research an investment vehicle then they can be called a success.

Some people think that this type of information is worth the price, but others don't.

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