Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Will Affiliate Prophet Increase My Profits?

By Michael Bradbury

The release of affiliate prophet has just been announced to be happening in early November of 2008. I was lucky enough to get a Beta copy of the software, because of my affiliation with Peter in the past and being an avid user of his previous software known as conversion prophet. I was excited when Peter mentioned that he was going to be doing a lot of updates, and in fact creating a whole new software.

From a position of having a fair bit of experience using Peter's software, I can tell you that I was excited to see what affiliate prophet had to offer. The original software, conversion prophet, already had quite a lot of different features, so I was interested to see what additional features Peter was able to add to the new version.

This new version affiliate prophet has all the same features of the original plus a whole lot more. The original features include multivariate tracking and Taguchi tracking. Some of the new elements of the latest script, include greater customisation and flexibility within the software.

I would say that the main thing that I like about this new version of the software, is the fact that it will track exactly what keyword the visitor has used to get to your site, and also from which the search engine or from which website they came. In fact, there is also an option to be able to filter the top 20 most search for keywords, and the top 20 most converting keywords. This allows you really see which keywords are performing well in your niche.

I found this very helpful in particular, because I have lots of different websites over lots of different niches in lots of different markets. It can become quite confusing if you have lots of different websites and the ability to configure them into separate categories makes a huge difference.

So if you are not tracking your visitors and sales statistics already in the Internet marketing world, then I highly suggest you think about getting some tracking software, whether it be Peter Yoon's or another. Simply put, if you are not tracking, then you are throwing away potential income.

Because I believe in this software I have decided to promote it, and hence this review that are writing. I know that from my own experience I really have seen a massive increase in my profits and Web tracking ability from using this software .

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