Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Your Comfort Zone Hinders Your Success

By Alan Edmunds

A comfort zone is where we feel the most comfortable being ourselves and doing the things we feel we are good at. We are often happy to complete tasks that fall in our comfort zone as we are confident we can complete them well.

Maybe affiliate marketing is your thing. Maybe you're very good at it. You may even be making a very good income from it, but are you sure that you are doing the best you can? Could you earn more by learning about marketing using a different method?

Perhaps you could earn much more by learning the art of public relations and applying that to your existing business model. Of course this may be outside your comfort zone so you're going to have to grow a little.

Perhaps you've thought about using Google Adwords but have baulked at the idea of risking your hard earned cash on a potentially risky marketing strategy. This is normal but you shouldn't let it hold you back. If you never attempt new things, accepting the risk of failure and still cautiously continuing, then you will never truly succeed.

You absolutely should not just jump in blind. Research, due diligence, knowledge and cautious action are the secrets to treading new waters successfully. Risk is a fluid thing and can be reduced significantly by proper research and small test ventures to build confidence.

Perhaps you have never thought about writing eBooks relating to the products or services that your website promotes and submitted them to various article directory websites. Or maybe offering the eBook as a free gift on your website?

Maybe this is well outside your comfort zone but you can increase your income a lot be doing it. If you can't write, buy PLR products and rewrite them or hire a ghost writer.

A Blog might increase traffic on your website but you may be hesitant about adding one just because it is a new idea for you.

As Nike says, "Just do it!" It's a powerful philosophy. Another familiar saying is "You have nothing to fear but fear itself." More often than not we psyche ourselves out by thinking about how hard it will be, instead of using that thinking time to figure out how it might be possible.

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