Monday, May 5, 2008

Affiliate Marketing And How To Manage Your PPC

By Kirt Christensen

How is wealth built using affiliate marketing and pay-per-click? This is done not by just sending on traffic to your affiliates to receive commissions but also by developing your assets while you send traffic to your affiliate partners.

While going through the process of getting visitors to your site, have a 'product' of you own available for your customers, something individual to your site. Compile contact information from these visitors as often as possible. Then point them in your affiliate's direction.

Customarily, if 5 or 6 years produces a 'custom', affiliate partners have put out ad banners or link exchanges, paid for ppc traffic and others, and then sent that traffic to the affiliate hoping for sales that he can get commissions from.

We call people who do that "bitslingers." They buy traffic and get the dollars from it, but nothing else. They add nothing of value to the mix. They're just brokers of clicks, and little more. Want to be more than just a bitslinger? Build an asset, a customer list you can communicate with again and again.

How can you get unique item of value to proffer? These are some good suggestions:

Present an enlightening tutorial.

Host a web chat where you can give them information on a related subject that is associated with the affiliate service/product you are pushing.

Offer on your site an ecourse that you can send out over several days then tout your affiliate product in this manner.

Proffer a free guide or reference source available.

Should you have several affiliates offering similar products or services, create a cost and quality analysis and then allow them to pick which one they like.

Create audio recordings on the subject.

Sponsor a contest.

Furnish some type of downloadable software.

The main this is that you don't want to push your product/service on your customer. "Hey buy this product!" isn't going to help. Give them something valuable that will help them then they will want to look into the product you have.

Time was you could purchase traffic(clicks) from Google, and point them through your links on to the affiliate host website. Prosperous affiliate hosts thought this was great especially when they had dominance in their field when nearly every Google ad shown talked about their website.

Google didn't see is the same way. These monopolizing set ups fouled up this way of using AdWords and it tarnished Google's image. So Google took control in early 2005 and now only one ad per display URL per page of adwords sponsored results is allowed.

The upshot of this is that your ads can be shown on the same Google Result page as your affiliates ads. They aren't allowed to send the traffic directly to your website.

So your affiliates-or you yourself, if you're an affiliate for another host-need to come up with real, original content on the landing page, if you want to survive. When you do this, everybody wins. You add value to the market, and those visitors who sign in become an asset for you.

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