Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Boost Conversions by Reading Books

By Ray Edwards

If you want to get better results from your ad copy, there are some great books that can help you. These inexpensive books can teach you a great deal about writing copy and marketing. Some of the best books are on copywriting, though you may be surprised how much you can learn from books that are off-topic, too.

Most great writers will tell you that the best thing you can do to improve your writing is to read books. I believe this is true in the copywriting field as well. I have a few books to suggest to you today for giving you a quick boost in improving your copywriting results.

Of the four books that I recommend, three are on copywriting. The fourth is off-topic, but still offers valuable advice on selling your product or service.

My first recommendation is The Robert Collier Letter Book, by Robert Collier. This book has become a classic in the copywriting and marketing industry. Collier himself wrote many of the ads in the book. While the language is somewhat antiquated, giving an old-fashioned feel, the basic principles of the book still stand the test of time.

My third choice is Reason Why Advertising, by John E. Kennedy. While it is not easy to find, it is highly-recommended. I'll provide you with resources to find this book, among others, at the end of this article.

And my fourth suggestion is my off-the-subject book. It is not a book about copywriting, but it IS about selling! This is a book that you will enjoy if you are a mouse, or if you live in a house; if you are a fox, or if you are in a box! That's right! It's Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.

You may be surprised to learn that Green Eggs and Ham can teach you persistence when making your sales. Learn how to come to an agreement with your potential clients so they become paying customers. It may seem silly, but you can learn important marketing lessons from Dr. Seuss.

As promised, I have a good resource for you, and here it is: www.SFSBookstore.com. This site is run by a friend of mine named Bret Ridgeway of Speaker Fulfillment Services. He specializes in hard-to-find books on marketing and copywriting. It's well worth taking a look there.

Finding and reading good books on copywriting and marketing is one of the best investments you can make for your business. The books I've suggested represent a very inexpensive way to start your copywriting and marketing library. They won't cost you an arm and a leg, but they will pay you back in ways you can't even imagine. But, trust me, these are some of the best investments you can make in your copywriting skill set.

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