Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Break Through Writer's Block

By Ray Edwards

Before we start, I have one thing to say: Writer's Block doesn't really exist. You either write, or you don't write. Writer's block is nothing more than a myth, a scary monster to haunt our dreams.

Can you imagine seeking medical assistance, only to be told by the doctor, "I can't help you today, because I've got a terrible case of Doctor's Block"? Of course not. It would be silly. Writers are no different - you just may not feel like writing today.

Writer's block is really only a resistance to writing. Today, I'll recommend a great resource. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is a highly-recommended and very powerful book that can help you break through the myths of writer's block.

So how can you smash through those barriers to stamp out writer's block? Are there any practical tips to get through this?

Here are three ways you can dissolve this resistance, and start writing:

Just write SOMETHING. It doesn't matter what. Write a grocery list, scribble a note to your mom, even fill out a card for a friend. No, I'm not kidding. Write anything, but just write. If you just write something, the simple act of writing can often cut through writer's block.

Use one of the 3 ways Tony Robbins teaches to change your emotional statefocus, physiology, or language.

Focus - You can choose to focus on the positive, or you can focus on the negative. If you constantly focus on your writer's block, that mythical beast will grow and grow. If you ignore the beast, it shrinks. So find something positive to focus on - your health, your family, or anything that brings you joy. Even if you're not writing, you can choose to focus on reading up on your next project. Find something positive!

Physiology - Your body language affects your mood. If you are slumped over your keyboard, the very picture of defeat, you will feel defeated. Instead, sit up straight, take a few deep breaths, relax your shoulders, and get ready to write, write, write. Just try it - it works!

Language - Control those voices in your head! When you think about your writer's block, do you fret that you are a poor writer, that you must be lazy and undisciplined because you have writer's block? Well, that doesn't help. Just as you must focus on the positive, you must also choose words that are positive. Your writer's block comes from resistance, not laziness. Abusing yourself with harsh words only increases that resistance, and makes it harder for you to break through it.

Write about why you're not writing. Get out your journal, or a legal pad, or your computer and start journaling about why you are not writing. Maybe you didn't get enough sleep, maybe you had an argument with your significant other...it doesn't matter. Just start writing about why you're not writing. In my experience, once you get those thoughts out on paper, you realize how ridiculous they are, you start to laugh, and you find that Writer's Block is gone.

Why do these tips work? Because in my opinion - and in my experience - your "Writer's Block" never existed to begin with!

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