Thursday, May 1, 2008

Creating An Income Using Audio Interviews

By Theo McLanahan

Audio is becoming the "next big thing" on the internet lately. We're finding welcome messages on websites, audio blogging, podcasts, even audio newsletters sent out once or twice a month. Internet surfers are enjoying audio and today's technology is making it so simple for us to download audio to our MP3 players, listening to it whenever we like.

If you have been conducting interviews for a written information product or articles for your website, you can take these audio files and turn them into another profit generating information product. The following are a few examples of how to do this:

Product Upgrade: If you have created a written information product, such as an ebook or special report, and you interviewed a few experts while conducting research for this product, offer the audio files of these interviews as an upgrade. If the base price for just the written product is $19.95, you could add the audio files for an upgrade price of $24.95 or $29.95 or higher, depending on how much audio you have to offer.

By offering a product downgrade: This is a bit opposite the above description. If you offer a program that includes written content and audio content (like interviews), offer just the audio interviews for those who can't afford the entire package. For instance, if your package price is usually $199, offer the audio only for a price of $75. This can be a way to capture the sale from someone who would have otherwise not been making a purchase.

Audio Information Product: In addition to the product upgrade and downgrade features, you could offer audio files as entirely new information products. In addition to selling interviews with experts you recorded as research for existing information products, you could invite people who have already purchased the product onto a teleconference line for a question and answer session with you, and possibly, the other experts you interviewed when creating the product. You could record the q&a session and offer it to all future customers.

As a seminar series: A seminar series is a great way to create buzz for your business, generate website traffic, and to make money. You should consider approaching other business owners that also interest your market, and ask if they can be a part of your seminar series.

Depending on how much traffic you currently have, you may be able to charge the presenters a fee to have a spot in your seminar as well. You can opt to allow people to dial in on a teleconference line or meet in a web conference room and listen to the live seminar for free, and then charge a fee for access to the recordings of the seminars. Alternatively, you can charge a fee upfront and only give paying customers access to the live seminars.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to make money with your interviews. You will find readers will enjoy hearing your voice, as well as hearing from other experts. With a little organization, you can bring a whole new stream of income with your audio interviews.

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