Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How to Increase Opt-In Page Conversions

By Ray Edwards

Lately, I hear a lot of complaints from Internet marketers. They complain that people just don't opt-in to squeeze pages any more.

It's harder than ever to get an opt-in. Partly, this is because of spam, fear, and paranoia. Once upon a time, all you had to do was include the magic words, "Sign up here to get e-mails". No kidding, that's all it took.

Everyone would opt-in like mad! Everything was so exciting and new back then - e-mails, e-mailed newsletters, the list went on and on. "You've got mail" would get people dancing with excitement. Needless to say, things have changed. Nowadays, we've got multiple e-mail addresses and e-mail addresses that change regularly. Some people even have false e-mail accounts which they don't check, a convenient place to store all that spam.

How do you crack through all the clutter? More to the point, how do you get opt-ins that are real? In other words, people who actually want to read your e-mails that you send them.

The good news is that you can increase your opt-ins, using simple proven methods that need little work.

Here are three tactics you can use to get more opt-ins:

Make a good offer. People don't want to opt-in unless they are getting something in return - a video, a special report, a piece of software. To most folks, opting-in is the same as begging for more spam. So you need to try a creative approach. Whatever your ethical bribe, make it stunning. Offer quality work with great writing and important information, something that addresses your readers' needs. Don't just offer the same old tired deals. Make it something that they can only get from YOU.

Use a bigger button. Go to my website at www.RayEdwardsCopy.com. Check out the big button on my subscription form - it's larger than most other buttons I have seen. While you're there, check out how the color of the button changes from red to green as their cursor glides over it. This subtle psychological influence takes people from "Stop" to "GO!". It may sound silly, but it works! And it's not just me saying so - this has been verified by other colleagues, like Michel Fortin, Armand Morin, and even Eric Graham, The Conversion Doctor.

Keep all distractions off your opt-in pages. Look at my page again. You'll notice there are no distractions available. I have some legal notices at the bottom of the page, but they are required to be there (You should have legal notices at the bottom of your pages, too). But notice that I display them in subtle fashion, and when you click on them, they open in smaller pop-up windows, and don't lead people away from my opt-in page.

Don't let the simplicity of these offers fool you. I recommend you adopt these suggestions and watch your opt-in rates soar!

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