Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Product Launches with Punch

By Ray Edwards

Many marketers wonder if product launches still work. We all know the techniques, we all see it coming. Could this formula still work? Why do a product launch, anyway?

It's true that "standard" product launches are not as effective as they were a year ago. Despite that, product launches are as strong as ever.

The fact is the low-hanging fruit has all been picked. To make a product launch work now, you need to study the techniques and follow the steps. If you do, the formula (created by Jeff Walker) works beautifully!

Jeff Walker coordinated the launch for the Membership Site Boot Camp. Perhaps you have heard of it. This amazing launch, for which I wrote copy, earned $1.7 million in the first week alone! Yes, product launches are still a great way to make money.

I encourage you to check out Jeff's original Product Launch Formula at www.TheProductLaunchFormula.com. Even if you don't plan on purchasing his course, he still gives away great free information on this site. Visit soon!

Use the following tactics to add punch to your product launch:

Use a "reverse squeeze page". This term was created by John Reese, I believe, and not too long ago at that. In this case, you offer free content before you ask for their opt-in information. As an example, you offer them a free article or video. At the end, advise clients that you will be creating more of the same. "If you'd like to get more videos absolutely free, fill in your name and e-mail address." In this case, you give something to get something.

Give away your best material right up front. The mistake most marketers make is NOT giving away their best material up front. The common fear is, "If I give away my best stuff, I won't have anything to sell them!" This concept was actually pioneered by Eugene Schwartz, the great copywriter and author of Breakthrough Advertising. He found that when you give away your best product, the perceived value of your salable product goes up. What goes through people's minds is, "Wow, if this is what they're giving away, the stuff they have inside must be AWESOME!" They assume that what they haven't seen is just as good or better than what they have. Now, you may ask what happens if they get inside and discover that the product you're selling isn't as good as what you gave away? What frequently happens is you benefit from what I call the "Halo Effect". They were so impressed by the material you gave away that they credit the other material with being better than perhaps it actually is. There's nothing wrong with this - it is going on inside their nervous system with no manipulation on your part.

Offer a strong personal story to your sublist. Don't e-mail them on Friday to tell them that you will sell them something on Monday. Instead, make it a story. Offer personal tidbits of information or insights into the progress of your product launch. Show them your e-mails and feedback from other clients. Take them to blog posts. Do all the things that Jeff Walker teaches.

I highly recommend Jeff's Product Launch Formula, and think it's a wise investment. If you can't get it right now, use these three tips for your next product launch. You'll improve your conversions and get more business.

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