Saturday, November 8, 2008

Build You Business with Targeted Traffic

By Dirk Wagner

If you want to make money with your website you need more than traffic, you need sales. The only way to generate sales is to drive targeted traffic to your site. Members of your target audience who are actively searching for the products you sell. If you can attract these people to your site you will increase sales as you increase traffic.

Targeted traffic is the only kind of traffic that will make your business grow. If you are getting random visitors to your site than the chances are that they are not staying long and they are not making a purchase from you.

A potential customer is someone is really interested in the subject matter on your website and they want the products you sell. This is a person who has a need for your products and they have the money to spend it.

You must decide who will become your targeted traffic. If you sell pet supplies clothing, pet owners or soon to be pet owners are your target audience. If you sell internet marketing material and web tutorials then internet entrepreneurs are your target audience.

The best way to drive your target audience to your website is with a very specific email campaign. You need to create an eye catching advertisement and email it to a list of potential customers. In order for this to happen you have to build a profitable mailing list.

A profitable mailing list can be bought from list building companies or built on your own. It often takes a long time to build a profitable mailing list that will create large amounts of targeted traffic. Websites that can sell you email lists that they claim are for your target market, are sometimes very effective but sometimes they are not.

If you are in for the hard work of building your own list you can look into speed listbuilding. There are some web tutorials available that can teach you how this is done. They can give you tips on making it as easy as possible and this way the effectiveness of your list is in your hands.

There are other ways to drive targeted traffic to your site. You can use Google pay per click advertising or you can post your website on forums and blogs that relate to your subject. These methods are a bit slower but can be effective.

The best way to go if you want to build your targeted traffic up fast is to learn speed listbuilding. There are very effective tutorials available. One of the best is available at You can use the tutorial and build your traffic but you can also sell the tutorial and increase your sales. Now that is what I call making your money work for you.

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