Monday, November 3, 2008

Choosing Your PPC Keywords

By Brian Basch

Just as a clever tagline can clinch the deal for a TV advertisement, the same way the right keywords are crucial for a good PPC campaign. The keywords can act as the foundation of your entire campaign. Strong keywords will help make your campaign a success but weak ones can lead to disastrous results.

Do your keyword researches to ensure you have the best keywords for your campaign. You will need to explore all niches in your market and examine every keyword in detail. In this way you can select the most effective ones.

Here is an example to clarify the concept of keywords. "Real Estate" can be used as the base keyword.

"Real Estate" is a highly competitive keyword due to high commissions.

The first thing to do is create your first list. Think of all the alternatives that your prospective clients could use to interpret the base word. Now for the word real estate, people can use words like real property, investment property etc. these words are still very similar to the base keyword therefore you should continue the search.

Next you will need to enlarge your search into different niches or types of real estate. Some examples include; boarding houses, commercial real estate etc. After this you will be able to mix your new keywords with your initial ones and get some completely new keywords.

You can also create an ad group that will focus entirely on real estate company names. You can also add a .com to the name or your own country extension. It would not matter if such a domain does not exist, sometimes people type similar things into the search engine giving you an opportunity to get your product some low cost clients.

Try not to use general keywords; a better idea is to use keywords that specifically target your own niche market. Put yourself in your potential buyer's shoes to discover the keywords that they use.

Here are some points to note:

- Attach .net and .com to keywords.

- You can capture visitors with company and domain names.

- Try adding superlatives to your base word like best, cheap etc.

- Check your web logs to find out the keywords your visitors used to find you.

- Check competitors ad copy.

Put all the keywords you find in different lists. For example; typos should be in one list plurals a second list etc. You will be able to target your ads better with this system.

Go ahead and make long lists of keywords with the help of the information provided in this article. With the right keywords there will be nothing standing in the way of your success. So build and cement your PPC campaign with a strong foundation of effective keywords. All the Best!

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