Monday, November 3, 2008

Improve Your Search Engine Rankings Equals Free Traffic

By Steve Mitchell

Lets first clear up what exactly a search engine ranking is. When someone searches for an answer to a question, or for some information, they often use the internet search services like Google, Yahoo, MSN or many of the numerous smaller search services, they type in something they want to know about - this is called a 'search query'. When they type in their question or request for info (their 'query') they are then presented by an array of pages of results that specific search service has deemed as relevant search results to the 'query' you wanted information on. This list of search results is often termed Organic Search Results. These are different to the Sponsored Search Results that often appear down the right hand column of the search results page.

These 'Sponsored' Search Results are simply text ads placed by those who wish to advertise websites that are then linked to the adverts. These advertisers pay to have their adverts appear when certain words or phrases (known as keywords) are typed into the search company's services. Because the people that place these adverts only actually pay when someone clicks on their specific advert, these search results are often referred to as PPC or pay-per-click results, which is why they are termed 'sponsored' results, being that they are 'paid for' by the advertisers.

Getting high up the right margin with PPC adverts is a completely different form of marketing, that has a whole new set of rules, and one I'll avoid discussing now as it's a completely separate subject in itself, as this information now in this report is focused on discussing ways to get highly ranked using the organic search results.

Getting "highly ranked" simply means that when someone types in a search query into a search service like Google, then the closer your website appears visible to being on page 1 of the search results, and then the higher up that page 1 you appear, the greater likelihood there is the person searching will then click on your website. If you appeared low down the results, say page 12, it's pretty obvious that the person searching for results is highly unlikely to ever look that far through all the search results, especially when you consider that on each page of search results there is on average about 10 search results, so being on page 12 would mean the person searching would have to scroll through over 100 search results before they even came close to finding your website.

The key is pretty clear - aim to get on page 1 of the search results, and then as high up the page (preferably in the top 3 results), which then gives you the greatest chance that your website will get seen and people will visit it.

The obvious benefit over Organic search results as opposed to Sponsored (PPC) search results is whenever anyone finds your website and clicks on it with in the Organic results list, it costs you nothing! Whereas if you had placed a PPC ad to appear in the Sponsored results list, you have to pay every time someone clicks on your advert (regardless of whether you've sold them anything from your website or not).

There is also another great advantage to using Organic search as a way to drive people to your website, as opposed to Sponsored search, and that is the credibility of the results. People entering a 'search query' will more often feel that the results that come back via Organic search results are far more believable and valid to solving what their query relates to then Sponsored search results. The reason for that is most folks are now aware that the Sponsored results are all adverts paid for by the advertisers of those websites, and so they believe that person is paying to get ranked (as in fact they are), which in turn undermines the true value of that search result as credible in the eyes of the person searching "oh, that only appeared on the search results 'cause they paid to be there" is in their minds.

The difference with Organic results is the searcher 'believes' that what appears in their organic search results list is true, real and of genuine value to their quest in solving the answer to their query.

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