Monday, November 17, 2008

Maximize Affiliate Profits With Unique Article Wizard

By Scott S.

As you probably know by now unique article wizard is a great tool only you can use to get thousands of backlinks to your website in just a matter of days. One reason this method is so good for marketing your affiliate blogs this because affiliate blogs earn each specific and backlinks from the unique article wizard will help you to rank in the top 10 of your google search is results. This will get you highly targeted traffic and lots of sales conversions over time. Here's a little data put together to help you successfully promote your affiliate blog and make you the most money possible.

By so what is an affiliate review blog, many of you are doing now but for those who don't here's is a small explanation. An affiliate review blog is a blog where you review affiliate products and order two refer sales. For each sale you get you'll get a percentage of the profits that your affiliate makes. Just google "associate pie" if you'd like a little bit more information on subject. Alright so now it's getting to the guide.

One: Choose which product to promote or choose a group of products that you could promote within the same category. For example if you wanna do promote Health Products you could use your blog to reviewed different diet pills or exercise ebooks. The more specific your category is, the more targeted your traffic will be from the search engines.

Two: Now comes the hard part unless of course you're outsourcing your work. The old phrase "content is king" is still pretty true, and what you need to do next is write 10 articles about your category and products. This isn't really that hard and if you're a good writer it should be a piece of cake. If you really hate writing though, you can pay someone else to do it for a few dollars per article. If you do everything right you should make all of that money back and much more with your affiliate blog.

Three: Now comes the last semi-tedious step in setting up your articles for unique article wizard. Rewrite your 10 articles three times each for a total of 30 articles. Now you have three versions of the same article you can submit one to your blog, one to HubPages, and one to Squidoo. When submitting your articles to unique article wizard make sure to include the links to your blog post and possibly your Hub or Squidoo page.

Four: now that you have made all this content and submit it to the unique article wizard you'll be getting backlinks galore for your affiliate blog. Not to mention all the backlinks you'll be getting for your Squidoo and HubPages which is like having your entire blog on a single page. You may get just as many sales from your HubPages and Squidoo pages as you get from your whole blog.

After a few weeks when all of your submissions have been accepted and are saturated into the search engines you'll start to get several visitors from search engines, as well as direct click throughs from other blogs. Using this strategy your affiliate blog that should be at the top of the rankings and dominate your competition. Good luck affiliates.

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