Friday, November 7, 2008

Results Come In Direct Proportion to Enthusiasm Applied

By Bill Havens

Affiliate marketing is a great and a quick way to make money on the Internet. Going on the premise that this is true, there must be some kind of a problem because good affiliate programs are failing.

The consumer has his/her work cut out for them as there are many options every time you click a link. Things can quickly fall apart unless you have a workable plan for making money with your affiliate program. This will take work as it is not an easy venture.

In theory, you may seem to have everything in place; a website you're proud of, a smooth flowing ordering system and even a team of affiliates who are eager to start promoting and make money. So what might be missing?

"Results come in direct proportion to enthusiasm applied" says author David Schwartz who wrote the timeless classic, "The Magic of Thinking Big". Although he wrote it back in 1959, that statement is still just as true today. Wholehearted enthusiasm is extremely contagious and is the most powerful form of energy that one can generate.

Why is it that affiliates who profess to want big money never get around to even getting your link put up on their site? Statistics show that 80% of all affiliate marketers fit into this category.

This is where your enthusiasm MUST come in! During the training program, your team will be bombarded with information, statistics, and an instructional plan for success. All of these things are essential; but they need more than that!

Enthusiasm is the fuel that will propel your affiliate team forward and cause them to take serious action. The last four letters in enthusiasm are ( IASM ). This translates to "I AM SOLD MYSELF". Think about that!

Become an enthusiastic part of your winning affiliate team so that they don't become part of the 80% who never make it out of the starting gate. Position yourself and your team for success by adding enthusiasm to your overall marketing strategy. Marketing Enthusiasm = a Winning Team!

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