Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How to Nuke Your Competition

By Ray Edwards

I've titled this article in a sensational way. I hope I don't offend you, but I wanted to provoke your interest.

Now, despite what the title would suggest, I'm not a cut-throat, vengeful type of guy. I believe there is an abundance of wealth and opportunity for everyone. And I do want everyone to do well, but I want YOU to do better! And I know you can.

Many marketers struggle just to keep up with the competition. They battle to get ahead, and see no results. In reality, the victory they seek is only about 2 mm away -- so close yet so far. Allow me to explain:

Recently, I went to a Tony Robbins event. You know, the one where they have you walk barefoot on hot coals? It was a life-changing experience for me. Now, I don't bring that up to brag about the fact that I walked on fire (well, OK, I want to brag a little bit, walking on fire is a pretty cool thing to do, you must admit!), but I bring it up to mention one of the most important things I picked up from Tony. That is the concept that the distinction between being good, or even excellent, and being off-the-charts outstanding is about 2mm of difference.

Two millimeters doesn't sound like much. It is the thickness of two dimes. Yet it can make all the difference in the world. Imagine a pilot departing for his destination. If he only starts 2 mm off-course, think how that could affect the rest of his flight. He could end up miles away from his destination, or even miss it completely.

Another example Tony gave is of a world-class plastic surgeon who is considered the master of his craft at making faces more attractive. The documentation he has produced, from all of the surgeries he has performed, shows that almost all of his surgeries require only about 2mm of change or less to effect a dramatic improvement in a person's looks.

So what does this have to do with you and your business? I believe the difference between surviving in business and thriving in business is only 2 mm. Really, it doesn't take much effort to get dramatic results.

If you can beat your competition by only 2 mm, you will win. Find out what categories matter to your customers, and make those changes. You'll be glad that you did.

Here are 5 "2mm Differences" That Matter. If you will pick just three of these and excel at those three, you will slaughter your competition:

1. Look and feel. Improving the look and feel of your website will give you an initial edge over your competition.

2. Follow-up Marketing. This makes a big impact on your customers. It makes them feel like they matter to you.

3. Test and track your results. This may seem too time-consuming, and you may think that customers don't care - they may not even know you are doing it. Whether they know or not, it DOES matter. By testing and tracking, you can create ads that get noticed, using language that your customers respond to the most.

4. Create Adwords Campaigns. This area is often neglected by online marketers - I've even been guilty of this myself! If you become just 2 mm better in this area, combined with two other areas, you will shatter the competition.

5. Backend Sales. This is a process where you give the customer opportunity to buy more product from you after the initial sale. Your customers don't want you to sell to them. But, they want to buy. We all want more of what we want more of.

Of course, there are many ways to improve, not just the five I have listed. The point is that you only need to make small changes in three different areas to get a leg up on the competition. Try it, and see how well it works for you!

If you'd like to learn more, I talk about some fundamental characteristics for succeeding in an online business in today's resource: 21 Fundamentals of Online Success

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