Saturday, May 3, 2008

Post-launch Management of Adwords Campaigns

By Kirt Christensen

Hurrah! You made it!

Your marketing research is done, you have chosen with care your keywords, and you've done all the figures for how much you can bid on your keywords to keep them in the top ranks on sponsored results. You went 2 steps further and used all the Google tools to help you choose synonyms and related keywords; You have your ad campaign set up for the next 6 months.

Now what?

Well,now you really have to get to work. You must track with care what your ads and keywords are doing so you can see if they are performing as you want them to. You can do this in a couple different ways.

There are tools offered by Adwords that let you track how much traffic you are getting from your ads; this IS how they generate funds. Your website will most likely have a way to track which ads brought traffic that led to a sale.

This is crucial because ineffective adword ads will drain your resources, either by being idle and distracting you from things that could be more effective or by giving you empty traffic, ones with no sales, one that you keep paying for but aren't getting anything in return, because you pay for these clicks whether they bring you income or not.

How do you handle an unprofitable ad?

Doing your job the right way has made it so that your ads are coming up with the search results in the firs 5-10 pages, so you need to know whether the problem is your keywords or not. When you chose your keywords your impulse might have been to choose the keyword that is a very popular one. After all that will probably bring more visitors to your site and that's good.

The downside is that many of the most popular keywords are very non-specific ones. These are often the words that begin a search rather than end it. As a result, the browsers which are searching for these keywords are often unclear as to precisely what it is that they are looking for and will look at a number of sites without making a purchase. A good keyword will be general enough that an uneducated consumer will search for it but specific enough that it will only reach your target audience.

By carefully monitoring your ads you fulfill the vital ingredient to your Google Adwords campaigns successfulness and that successfulness directly effects the success of your business. Continue on this course and your future will be bright.

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