Saturday, May 3, 2008

AdWords Campaigns - Do They Need Micro Managing?

By Kirt Christensen

The advertisements are everywhere. People who are making hundreds of dollars in profits from the use of AdWords to sell their products working only two to three hours a day. They would have you believe that this is ordinary and commonplace and that you too can make hundreds of dollars in a single day "just by turning on your computer".

What isn't said is that internet ad campaigns require a whole lot more than 2or 3 hours of work each day, particularly if you are just setting up and starting out with your campaign and getting all the keywords and ads running at peak performance. Nothing else you do will demand the same level of intense micro-management.

Consider this.

The first thing you are going to need to do is go to Google's databases and discover which keywords are popular among all of the recent searches.

Then you need to write down as many keywords that are relevant to your product/service and then compare them to Google's list. (You can do this simply by thinking of what you would enter in a search engine if you were looking for your product/service on the internet.)

After having gotten you keyword list together, you need to choose what bids you will put on them. That doesn't mean that you will write an email to google telling them what you will bid for these keywords and getting to use them in your ads and campaign and google writing back to say ok, you can use them. That is impractical.

Instead, Google uses the policy that the ad that appears first in the list is going to be the one seen the most often and generate the greatest amount of profits to secure their own profit.

AdWords is a pay-per-click operation. What this means is that a marketer (that is you) is assessed a fee for each time that there is a 'click' on his ad and a searcher goes to his website using that ad/link. This is not saying that a sale was made after the click.

An ad that is more frequently selected by searchers will bring more profit for google. That is why they give ads that have higher bids attached to them top billing when it comes to showing the ads.

When bids are set and the ad is run it is essential to have careful monitoring on the activities of the ad, as well as any change in the usefulness of the keyword .

Once an ad or a keyword becomes unpopular (and therefore unprofitable) a new advertising campaign must be launched.

The chance are you won't get away with doing practically nothing to make hundreds per day using a Google Adwords campaign. But you can learn the great skill of multi tasking and micro managing and using those skills you can see your business prosper.

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